Exhibitions and Events


Symposium: The Interface between New Technologies and Contemporary Art

11 March, 2000

SYMPOSIUM -- Engaging the Virtual: The Interface between New Technologies and Contemporary Art

The program will include short lectures, presentations and open discussions that deal with the imaginative use of new media, including computer imaging, robotics and websites, as well as other technologies, in works of art and design. It will also raise philosophical and critical questions about the interface between technology and creative human activity.


All morning sessions wil takeplace in the Auditorium


Engaging the Virtual

10 March – 23 April, 2000

Engaging the Virtual brings together some of Canada's foremost artists in the area of new media. Guest curator Doug Porter spent the past two years researching this exhibition, travelling across Canada, making studio visits, and attending confrences and symposia on new media and digital technologies. Doug is a digital and video artist himself, as well as a teacher and graphic designer, and his knowledge and experience in these areas have undoubtedly contributed to his thoughtful selections.

Sarah Stevenson, Untitled (Swag) 1999

The Very Thing

14 January – 27 February, 2000

How do we experience the "thingness" of sculpture, or discuss its"object-ness" in a postmodern critical climate? Co-curators Robin Metcalfe and Susan Gibson Garvey selected some elegant and provocative works by six contemporary Canadian sculptors whose practices may be described as "object-based" and whose works often revisit sculptural issues from the earlier 20th century - but with a contemporary twist. Quirky, mysterious, solemn, or amusing, these sculptures are experienced first as physical phenomena (as formal and sensuous objects) before specific contents may be ascribed to them.


Masters of Modern Sculpture

14 – 27 January, 2000

The following films from the acclaimed series Masters of Modern Sculpture (Blackwood Films) will be available on video for individual viewer access at a special viewing station set up in our Reading Room. Each film lasts approximately one hour.

Part One: The Pioneers

Presenting Rodin, Degas, Rosso, Maillol, Lehmbruck, Brancusi, Epstein, Laurens and others demonstrates how, in just over two decades, the first modern sculptors undermined centuries of sculptural conventions.

Part Two: Beyond Cubism


The 46th Annual Student, Staff, Faculty and Alumni Exhibition

3 – 19 December, 1999

Our annual celebration of the creativity of students, staff, faculty and alumni of Dalhousie, Daltech, and King's College, in painting, graphic art, photography, mixed media, sculpture and crafts. We welcome your artwork for this exhibition, which makes no distinction between amateurs and professionals. Entries will be accepted during Gallery hours, from 15 November to 28 November. Pick up your entry form after mid-October at the Gallery's front desk.


Four Films with a Marxist Edge

17 November – 15 December, 1999

In conjunction with the University of King's College's Contemporary Studies series on Marxism, we present four films that give a glimpse of the range and international scope of Marxism this century. While the first two films bear the mark of official government policy, Umberto D and The Three Penny Opera show Marxism's influence on social attitudes and aesthetics in working Western democracies.

17 November - Enthusiasm!

Dziga Vertov, USSR (Russia), 1931, 79 minutes


Photography, Film and Cultural Representation

20 October – 10 November, 1999

This film series has been prompted by issues arising from the exhibition From the Background to the Foreground: the Photo Backdrop and Cultural Expression.

20 October - Notman's World

Albert Kish/NFB 1989, 29 minutes


Fixed in Time

Shelagn MacKenzie/NFB 1980, 20 minutes


From the Background to the Foreground: the Photo Backdrop and Cultural Expression

16 October – 28 November, 1999

This vast exhibition has been curated by James Wyman for the Visual Studies Workshop and is co-presented by the Dalhousie and Mount Saint Vincent University Art Galleries. It incorporates hand-painted backdrops, photographs and props related to commercial portrait photography in Africa, China and India, with additional material focused on Black and First Nations communities in the US, Guatemala and Mexico. Besides generating discussion around photographic portraiture, the project explores relationships among the fields of art, photography, ethnography and vernacular representations.


French Filmmakers at Five/ Les cinéastes francophones à 17h

18 – 25 September, 1999

Our annual collaboration with the Atlantic Film and Video Festival: Our film curator Ronald Foley MacDonald has selected nine films which demonstrate the formal and technical range of works by French cinematographers in Canada. All films will be screened at five o'clock in the Gallery. Notre collaboration avec le Festival du film et vidéo de l'Atlantique: notre cinémathécaire, Ronald Foley MacDonald, a choisi neuf films qui illustrent l'évantail formel et technique des œuvres des cinéastes francophones du Canada. Tous les films sont présentés à 17h à la galerie.


Acadia Acadia

15 September – 6 October, 1999

This film series by and about Acadians has been selected to complement the exhibition "There are no limits": The Work of Herménégilde Chaisson.

15 September - Fishermen of Pubnico/ Les pêcheurs de Pubnico

Léonard Forest, NFB, 1956, 10 min, b & w, English version

A portrait of a sword-fishing village in south-west Nova Scotia, this is one of the first films made about Acadians by an Acadian.

Les Gossipeuses/The Gossips

Phil Comeau, NFB, 1978, 58 min. French with English subtitles
