Shadow Area: Images of Illness and Healing by Robert Pope
Halifax artist Robert Pope drew on his own experiences as a survivor of cancer in these haunting images of illness and healing. His paintings and drawings combined a realistic technique with visual symbols, heightened tonal contrasts and compositions often cropped into almost unbearable intimacy, in order to explore the emotional and psychological dimensions of cancer treatment. The exhibition was organized by the Dalhousie Art Gallery, in conjunction with the 1991 Year of Medicine and the Humanities at Dalhousie University.
- Artist(s)
- Publication Credits
- Subject(s)
- Year
- Format
- Language
- Exhibition Title
- Robert Pope
- Dr. Jock Murray, Mern O'Brien (foreword), Robert Pope
- Nova Scotia, Painting, Drawing
- 1991
- 0-7703-0662-4
- single-fold brochure
- English
- Shadow Area: Images of Illness and Healing by Robert Pope, 1 November - 8 December 1991